Topsy Turvy

So much has happened just in the short time since I last wrote here! In fact, our lives are changing pretty quickly.

We listed our current home for sale just over a week ago and this morning, we accepted an offer. Meanwhile, over Labor Day weekend, we put in an offer on a house in the new city and it was accepted. It also seems there may be an end in sight for the custody battle we unexpectedly found ourselves in last October.

Nothing is finalized, so all this positive could turn sour tomorrow. Or next week. Or maybe even two to three weeks from now. But currently, it seems to be a sliver of light at the end of the tunnel and a huge burden has lifted…and been replaced with a different kind of heavy burden.

Interest rates are ridiculous. Certain demands are ridiculous. On top of all that, we most likely only have until October 4th to pack everything, do some cleaning and get out. This burden…in some ways it is absolutely overwhelming because when you put down roots somewhere for several years and bear children and do life, stuff accumulates. On the other hand, it seems a little less overwhelming than the process of decluttering and cleaning before taking pictures for the listing. I do not think I have ever been so exhausted in my life. Not even during the newborn stage…maybe.

The most overwhelming part of all this is leaving our friends – the community of people with whom we have done life for the past six years. Some deep bonds have formed and parting ways is going to hurt. My momma heart worries for my kiddos. They will have to say goodbye to so many friends and the few activities they have begun to embrace – specifically, Trail Life, American Heritage Girls and Chess Club. There will be those things where we are moving, but there is that awkward period of meeting new people and forming relationships with them before being able to fully enjoy something. Does that make sense?

We are also so sad to say goodbye to our new church. We love it so much! The expository teaching, the emphasis on family worship, the didactic worship…and the people there who have so fully embraced our family even after such a short time.

So, the emotional burden is heaviest now. There is so much going on this month that I fear we will not be able to spend enough time with those we love before we have to move hours away. Granted, it is hours and not states. But Texas is huge, haha. And everyone has lives of their own where they are. And sometimes relationships fade because long distance is hard.

There is such a mixture of excitement and grief. Peace and overwhelm. So many different emotions! My prayer is that I can be the best support to my husband that I can and that, as momma, I can help ease the grief of my children and help them to be excited about the change headed their way. I also pray that the Lord will bear MY grief as I try to be all that I can for everyone else. Ha! Listen to me! I pray that the Lord will bear US ALL as I am too weak to be much good for my family past a certain point. He is our Peace and Comfort. Our Provider and Sustainer. He will help us through this topsy turvy turn in our journey.

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